1. Details of Business.

2. Terms and conditions of appointment of independent directors.

3. Composition of various committee of BOD

4. Code of conduct of board of directors and senior management personnel.

5. Details of establishment of vigil mechanism/ Whistle Blower policy.

6. Criteria of making payments to non-executive directors.

8. Policy for determining ‘material’ subsidiaries.

10. The e-mail Address for grievance redressal and other relevant details.

11. Contact information of the designated officials for assisting and handling investor grievances.

12. Financial information

14. Details of agreements entered into with the media companies and/or their associates, etc


a. Schedule of analysts or institutional investors meet.

b. Audio or video recordings and transcripts of post earnings/quarterly calls.

16. New name and the old name of the Company.

17. Items published in the newspaper

18. All credit ratings obtained by the entity for all its outstanding instruments.

19. Separate audited financial statements of each subsidiary of the Company.

a. Financial Year 2023-2024

b. Financial Year 2022-2023

d. Financial Year 2020-2021

e. Financial Year 2019-2020

21. Disclosure of the policy for determination of materiality of events or information.

22. Disclosure of contact details of key managerial personnel who are authorized for the purpose of determining materiality of an event or information.

23. All such events or information which has been disclosed to stock exchange(s) under sub-regulation (8) of regulation 30 of LODR.

24. Statements of deviation(s) or variation(s).

25. Dividend distribution policy on market capitalization.

27. Board of Directors of Company

Shri Pranav Ansal

Chairman & Whole Time Director

Shri Pranav Ansal, is a prominent industrialist who is expanding the great legacy of the Ansal API Group. He is a graduate from Hans Raj College (Delhi University) and initially joined the Company as a Management Trainee. He is the driving force behind Ansal Plaza, Delhi which sparked off the Mall revolution in the Country. He has taken upon the mantle of expanding the Group's business to new horizons and is responsible for extending the Ansal API brand name to new geographies in the areas of township development and innovative commercial set ups with international standards.

Shri Sunil Kumar Gupta

Non-Executive Independent Director

Shri Sunil Kumar Gupta, who is a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Insolvency Professional, a Valuer- Securities or Financial Assets and a Certified Forensic Auditor, has 33 years of rich and varied experience in diversified industries such as Real Estate, Manufacturing, FMCG and Services. He has worked at senior management level with many renowned corporate houses.

Smt. Francette Patricia Atkinson

Non-Executive Independent Woman Director

Smt. Francette Patricia Atkinson, who is an Aesthecian from Pivot Point University, Chennai, has vast experience of over 30 years in different fields including real estate/ construction industries. She was involved in marketing/ selling of various real estate project in Bangalore.

Shri Binay Kumar Singh

Non-Executive Independent Director

Shri Binay Kumar Singh, who holds the degree of MSc. Physics, is retired from Indian Police Service. In his career spanning over 33 years in Indian Police Service he was involved in entire spectrum of Police work including enforcement, administration and management of police and security systems. He has spent over 18 years in the Intelligence bureau. He was decorated with President’s Police medal for distinguished service and the Indian Police Medal for meritorious service.

28. Other Disclosures including Fixed Deposit and Previous Years Information

b. Investor Desk including Fixed Deposit

Share Transfer Agent

Stock Exchange Listing

Redressal of Investor(s) and seeking clarifications/ queries (Shareholder)

In case you need any clarifications and have any investor queries/ grievances, please do write to any of the following officer(s) of the Company:-

Details of Nodal Officer

Abdul Sami
Company Secretary
Ansal Properties & Infrastructure Ltd.
115, Ansal Bhawan,
16, Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi-110001
Tel. No. +91-9871053419
Email : shareholderservice@ansalapi.com

Fixed Deposit

Ansal Properties & Infrastructure Limited

(Fixed Deposit Department)
No. 2, Mezzanine Floor, 15 Sandhya Deep Building
Community Centre, East of Kailash (Near National Heart Institute),
New Delhi-110065
Telephone No. 011-43084665
E-mail: shareholderservice@ansalapi.com

c. Previous Years Information

Secretarial News / Corporate Announcement / Notices

E. Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP)